Parent Information


Attendance is marked twice a day on our Compass program. Please use Compass or phone the school prior to 9.30am if your student is going to be away. 

Term Dates 2024

Term 1

Monday 29th January - Thursday 28th March

Term 2

Monday 15th April - Friday 28th June

Term 3

Monday 15th July - Friday 20th September

Term 4

Monday 7th October - Friday 20th December


School Hours

Session 1    9:00 am  to 11:00 am

Recess       11:00 am to 11:30 am

Session 2   11:30 am to 1:00 pm

Lunch         1:00 pm to 2:00 pm

Session 3   2:00 pm to 3:30 pm

School Newsletter

A newsletter is posted on Compass each Friday. If you prefer to receive a printed newsletter, please contact the office. 

Early Dismissal

Any time that the school needs to be dismissed before 3:30 pm, parents will receive prior notice via a Compass news item. 

Road Safety

Road safety is part of the school program and in order to ensure children arrive and depart safely by car, please drop them off and pick up from the school side of the road in the carparks provided. Please do not park in gateway or on the bush side of the road. 

Lost Property

All clothing should be clearly labelled with the child’s name.  Each year we have quite a supply of unclaimed lost property.  If your child has lost any items of clothing please check the lost property box located in the office. 

School Uniform

School uniforms are compulsory.  The color is royal blue with a gold logo for jumpers and gold with royal blue logo for T-shirts.  Tracksuits, t-shirts, shorts and hats are the main items worn.  Wide brimmed or buckets hats are part of the SunSmart Policy and must be worn during Term 1 & Term 4.

All children starting at Little Bendigo are provided with a hat.

The Uniform store is located in the Office and parents can pay via cash or EFTPOS. A girls winter tunic is available from Beleza School Uniforms, 22 Doveton Street South.

Discipline/School Rules

Conflict resolution is the major process used to resolve issues between students. This empowers students to resolve their own conflicts. It involves:

An approach of explanation and understanding is used with other discipline issues. However, if an inappropriate behavior is repeated then logical consequences are used.

We work closely with parents if there is a behavioral issue.

Supervision of students

Staff responsibility for pupils extends from fifteen minutes before school starting time to fifteen minutes after school close.  Yard duty rosters cover recess and lunch times. 

Junior Student Council

Meetings are held regularly and recommendations are made from time to time to the staff and School Council.  Grades 3 – 6 are represented on the Council. 

Sports Uniform

Boys – Royal Blue Shorts, School T-Shirt

Girls – Royal Blue Shorts/Skorts, School T-Shirt

Student Reports

Pupil reports are issued in June and December.  Interviews are conducted in first term.  Teachers are available at other times.  Please phone and make an appointment. 


The school library is operated on a computer system and has a simple borrowing procedure.  Borrowing takes place during Library Sessions.  Children may bring books home regularly.  Please ensure that books are returned promptly. 

Support Services

There are several professional services including, Speech and Hearing specialists, Guidance officers, Social workers, State school relief, Life education unit which are available to assist your child should it be necessary.

All prep children are screened for general health, sight and hearing.

Book Club

Catalogues are distributed to each child every twice a term.
Orders and money are due at school within a week and books are distributed as soon as they arrive. 

Bushfires & Disasters

Procedure for bush fires is fully covered in the School Disaster Policy which parents are welcome to read.  However, in the event of a bush fire very close to the school all children will be kept at the school until picked up by their parents or moved by police, or the local C.F.A. On Code Red days our school will be closed. On a day of Extreme Fire Rating day, our school will relocate to the recreational centre at Woodmans Hill Secondary College, 1 Fussell Street, East Ballarat. Parents will be given prior notice. 


Children must wheel and not ride their bikes into the school grounds.  Bicycle helmets are compulsory and must be worn. 

Excursions/Camps/Swimming/Music Lessons

Excursions occur regularly and are an extension of class activities. All excursions are to be paid for prior to the event taking place.

Some costs are subsidized by School Council or the Fundraising Committee, and are kept to a minimum.

Camping and swimming programs are provided for all students each year.

Music lessons in vocal, guitar, keyboard and drums are offered by qualified music specialists. Music lessons are to be paid directly to the music teacher on the day of your child’s music lesson.


Teachers decide on an appropriate homework program for their class.  This is put in the newsletter at the start of the year or if there are changes throughout the year. It is important that Parents work closely with Teachers.


Some ways to encourage your child to enjoy reading:

Student Health

Please advise the school if your child/children come into contact with any listed disease.  If your child is not feeling well do not send him/her to school.  If your child becomes ill at school we will contact you as soon as possible. 


These services are available at the school for a nominal charge.  Contact the school office. 

School Queries/Problems

Please don’t hesitate to see us if you have a problem.