Wider Experiences

We believe that students benefit enormously from experiences in the wider community. Some of the programs we run include:


Grades Foundation – Year 2 are usually involved in a local camp for one or two nights. In 2019 we went to Sovereign Hill.

The camps for Years 3 – 6 may be up to four nights, with previous camps being held in Queenscliff, Warrnambool, the Murray River, Melbourne, Falls Creek (skiing), Mount Gambier, Halls Gap and Anglesea.


A swimming program is provided for all year levels.

Children also participate in Regional Athletics and a specialised sports program for Grades 5 and 6 is conducted with other schools.

Children attend various community sporting facilities throughout the year to further broaden their sporting interests and abilities.


A variety of curriculum based excursions are provided throughout the year for all year levels. Some are planned for individual classes, while others are planned for the whole school.

Children play an active part in planning our excursions. For example, some students planned a visit to the Melbourne Arts Centre to see a ballet performance after seeing a brochure that arrived in the mail.

The children also plan their own excursions as part of the “Real Life Learning” program. This has included visits to the art gallery, Friday night football in Melbourne, local kinders, Scienceworks, and many other exciting locations!